Poetry of the blues is tied to the concepts of liberation and enlightenment in several ways. The blues, originating in African American communities, often reflects the struggle for freedom from oppression. Blues songs touch upon themes such as poverty, racism,...
On fur farms, the arctic fox, is killed for his fur in a grossly inhumane way; at 1 year old, most have grown so large they barely fit in the bare wire cage where they live out their existence on a fur farms in Asia and other places where this inhumane practice is...
From a walk through the city to a beach hideaway at Half moon bay, San Francisco was an adventure. I loved every moment and in a way, the city loved me right back. The best meal was at a beachy coastal oyster shack called Sam’s that served lobster rolls and...
Honor the trolls in your life under March’s full moon. The moon is a compass point that emphasizes our in-between place in this world. This super moon on the spring equinox shows us a glimpse of how far we’ve come from the shadows of the long winter that is...
Cooking at Yoga Farm is the most fun I have had in any kitchen. We use as many ingredients directly from the farm as possible. Root vegetables, fresh ginger, starfruit and peppers graced almost every meal. As long as hot sauce was on the table, everybody was happy....